Thursday, 27 August 2009


Im defo going to give this a go. Im going to Nepal next week for nearly a month and so have been having a big sort out of everything and i've realised just how much suff I have! At least some of this can fetch a good price on Ebay I figure.

I don't know too much about this so far as I don't yet have an Ebay account but I look forward to setting one up :-)

Friday, 14 August 2009


I have found this site called SocialGo and I think it's fab! Im sure, long term it will have limitless ways to cash in on the internet but even if it didn't I would still think it is a very funky site.

Basically it allows you to set up your own community. There are various options depending on how hi-tech you want to get but one of those options is free. You can pick any subject you like (obviously im sure there may be rules re dodgy topics so if you wanted to set up an adult porn community for example you may want to check these out first) and then get creating! You can add forums, invite people to join, start discussions etc and there are some really funky backgrounds and fonts for you to really personalise the site.

Im in the very beginning stages of setting mine up so I will let you know how I go and of course invite you all to join once my site is a bit more presentable.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Using Forums To Increase Traffic

The most important thing to say here is that this defo works.

I have four blogs and I have been promoting one above the others through forums and it gets way more traffic than the others. I searched google for forums which centered around my blogs topic (in this case weightloss and body improvement) and joined the one at the top of the list, reasoning that if they had reached that spot then they would be one of the more popular forums. I set up a signature which included a link to my blog then set about starting my own thread and commenting on others whereever possible and bingo, increased traffic to that blog.

What I will say though is that you do have to be interested in your topic (which I am as im currently on a health kick) and you have to post relevant remarks. If you just type the odd word here and there not only will people be on to you, but they won't be interested enough in what you have to say to click on your link and find out more.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Adsense Update

Well I thought it was time I gave you an update re my Adsense earnings, which basically is people clicking on the adverts by the side of my four blogs.

£2.99! Thats what I have reached so far. Now don't get me wrong im chuffed to have earn't anything but I think we can agree that is a low figure.

I was initially impressed with the way Adsense works as it targets ad's to your blogs content, however im not at all sure whats going wrong as my page impression figures have gone way up but actually getting clicks on the adverts are not following through.

Since I can't control the adverts on my blogs the only thing really to do is to keep trying to increase traffic. At the moment im mainly doing this through forums, joining specific forums related to each blogs topic and then linking back to my blog through my signature.